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Natal & Miscellaneous Track:

The lectures in this track are a mixture of theoretical discussion and detailed examination of natal charts, both of the birth-chart itself and of the chart as it unfolds through time to show events in the life. We have no doubt that in both depth of treatment and clarity of explanation these lectures go far beyond any discussion of astrology that you have either seen or heard. 

Sample Lecture: This begins with a discussion of important points relating to temperament and to how we find this in the natal chart. This moves beyond what John has written, either in his books or in articles on this site. Then further clarification of the nature of the four temperaments, with particular emphasis on the sanguine: what is sanguine, exactly, and why has it so often been regarded as the best of the temperaments?

Anchor 1

Keef, Nell, and Others: In this lecture John looks for intimations of immortality in the chart of Keith Richards. How has this guy survived such excess?! Then at how literally her chart shows Nell Gwyn stepping into her role as star among Charles II’s retinue of mistresses. And a brief look at a couple of other charts: a Queen of Country singing her anthem to Pluto, and a comedian repairing his own worn-out clothes, despite the millions he had earned through his own hard work and talent.

Heart Transplants - an Astrological Investigation: In the first lecture of this set John discusses the birthcharts of Christiaan Barnard and Norman Shumway, and shows what was happening in Barnard’s chart at the time he performed the first heart transplant. We don’t have a birth-date for his patient then, but in the second lecture John discusses what was happening in somebody else’s chart at the time he had a heart transplant. The repeated themes and echoes are quite remarkable: the astrological testimony could hardly be more literal. That patient had had a series of heart-attacks and heart operations. In a third lecture, coming soon, John will continue with a discussion of his birthchart at the times these happened. The repetitions of testimonies are astonishing: so exact, so literal. Yes, there really is more to astrology than whether Geminis like Capricorns!

Profections and Transits: What profections are; how to use them; why they were used much more in the past than they are today. And everything you need to know about transits.

John Dryden and ‘The Mock Astrologer’: The poet and playwright John Dryden was a contemporary of William Lilly and himself an enthusiastic amateur astrologer. In this lecture, John discusses his play ‘An Evening’s Love, or the Mock-Astrologer’. First the cultural and historical changes that made the era what it was and shaped the drama of that time. Then something about the cast, which included Nell Gwynn. Then the astrology in the plot and Dryden’s comments on astrologers and how they practiced. Nothing technical in this lecture, but fascinating insight into Lilly’s world, and a fun take on astrology.

Lizzie Borden:  ‘Lizzie Borden took an axe/Gave her mother 40 whacks/When she saw what she had done/She gave her father 41’. In this lecture, John explores the birthchart of Lizzie Borden, accused and acquitted of the murder of her father and stepmother in the famous trial of 1893.

Lectures for purchase:

Each set contains 4 lectures, including all charts and other images discussed. Each set of 4 lectures costs 20 UK pounds (around 35 US or Aussie $). Payment is via PayPal, which you can use even if you don’t have a PayPal account. Once payment is made you will see a link to download the lectures you’ve bought. You will receive 3 emails containing payment confirmation, your invoice and, again, the links for download. These links remain current for 7 days or 5 attempts to download.

If you have a slow internet connection and are buying more than 1 set of lectures, we recommend you to wait until each of them has been downloaded before downloading the next one.

Tutorial Set: ‘Approaching the Birthchart’

More directly tutorial than the subscription lectures, these explain the initial steps in approaching the natal chart, breaking it into chunks rather than trying the impossible task of swallowing it whole. As always with John’s lectures, this is deep understanding, clearly and simply explained. Oh yes – and entertaining too!



  • Track 1: Hyleg, anareta, alchoden. What they are, what they are not. How to find them. What to do with them once found.

  • Track 2: Assessing the temperament. John’s understanding of how to do this has moved on considerably since he wrote The Real Astrology Applied. A detailed explanation, then walking the listener step by step through this assessment in two example charts.

  • Track 3: The ‘Wit and Manner’. Various key points that show the fundamentals in the person’s make-up. A theoretical discussion of how we find these and what they show; practical examples follow in Lecture 4.

  • Track 4: Worked examples. Again taking the listener step by step through two example charts, showing how these things fit together and how much they tell us about the person’s nature.

Present and former students on John’s Natal Apprenticeship can get this set for free – so if that’s you and you’d like these lectures, just write to John and ask.

Lectures 1-4: A discussion of the astrological patterns underlying the Odyssey. This is non-technical, and apart from its inherent interest teaches much about we are really doing with our astrology, the meaning of the chart, and the motions of Sun and Moon.

Lectures 5-8: Nicky Culpeper, part 1: After a discussion of the meaning of the 7 key Arabian Parts, there is a very (very!) detailed analysis of the unfolding of Nicky Culpeper’s tragic romance, which ended with his bride-to-be struck by lightning on the night of their elopement. Progressions, solar return, lunar returns.

This set also includes a stand-alone lecture that was issued as a bonus for subscribers. We can’t tell you what it’s about without giving the game away – but it’s fun, and it’s good, sound astrology.

Lectures 9-12: Nicky Culpeper, part 2: We continue this investigation, looking now at the derived lunar returns, then move on for a similarly detailed exploration of the charts for Culpeper’s courtship and marriage to Alice Field.

Lectures 13-16: Nicky Culpeper, part 3: We complete the exploration of his marriage, then move on to the Civil War, looking at the charts as he performs surgery during the battle of Newbury and is seriously wounded shortly after.

Lectures 17-20: Topics discussed include: Saturn as good guy, Jupiter as bad guy; the nature of Uranus; the relationship between signs and houses; cazimi and combustion in the natal chart; further discussion of the melancholic and the sanguine nature; how identical testimonies can work so literally in different charts, but with totally different results. Along with plenty of detailed chart examples.

Lectures 21-24: Mars & Venus – Botticelli, Velazquez, and Gary Cooper. Then an examination of the 12th house - the House of Self-undoing: what is self-undoing, and what is it not? With a detailed examination of events in the life of someone notorious for his self-undoing, showing how repeated events are shown by the same testimonies precisely repeating. Also an extra bonus lecture where John answers technical questions from listeners on progressions, return charts, and the assessment of temperament.

Lectures 25-28: A set of 4 non-technical lectures, accessible to anyone regardless of level of astrological knowledge. In the first I discuss good and evil in the chart: what we can see, and traps to avoid when we look. Then two lectures on the astrological patterns behind the sequence of main events in the Bible. Finally a lecture on fate, free-will, and the nature of prediction.

Lectures 29-32: We examine how clearly people live out their natal charts, when life affords them the scope to do so. A ‘compare and contrast’ of two masters in the same field, one Mr Boring, the other Mr Flamboyant. How one word changed the course of modern literature, and how a suffering Mercury has shaped the avant-garde. A brief look at a most unusual choice of pet. And an investigation into the discovery of Uranus: can we really say Herschel discovered it when he didn’t know what it was he had discovered?

Lectures 33-36: We begin a chart-based investigation of synastry. The usual ‘My Sun is on your Moon’ gives astro-fans something to talk about, but has not the slightest validity. So how can we see what draws two people together? And what splits them apart? First, a look at Lilly’s unfortunate second marriage, with his chart screaming ‘Don’t marry your Mars, Bill!’ Then a ‘compare & contrast’ as we look at his happy and loving third marriage. We start with a look at the birthchart of his third wife, then at what was going on in his own chart at the time of their wedding. Yes, it’s quite a contrast – and the echoes from the second marriage are remarkable.

Lectures 37-40: One of the pleasures of being able to devote my working life to astrology is how this subject forever manages to amaze me. It’s done it again as I studied the charts for William Lilly’s third marriage. In this set of lectures there is more on his own chart at the time of the wedding, then looking at how the event was shown in his wife’s. Then we move to her chart at the time of Lilly’s death. This is quite remarkable – testimonies of love and loss as eloquent and moving as a great work of music or literature.

Lectures 41-44: Made for each other? Oh, yes! This set begins with further comparison of the charts of William Lilly and his third wife, showing how profoundly they were bound together as one. What this says about human love goes far beyond any chart analysis you may have encountered before. Then continuing the love theme, I look at an eruption of Venus into the life of…. someone whom you would never associate with Venus. This set also includes a bonus track in which I discuss a beautiful but lesser-known image of Venus, pointing out a depth of meaning that the casual viewer would miss, and then explain how simply, how literally the unfolding charts for one movie-star show the film he was making at that time.

Lectures 45-48: In the first lecture of this set I complete the study of the eruption of Venus into the life of Mr Non-Venus. Then a discussion of what was going on in Wilhelm Rontgen’s chart when he discovered X-rays – and scared the life out of Mrs R by making an X-ray of her hand. Then, deepening and expanding this on-going study of the ties that bind and how the chart shows them, I move to a ‘compare & contrast’ with another nativity: if Lilly’s third marriage showed the ‘for better’, this marriage was rather painfully ‘for worse’. The web of testimonies over many years is something remarkable to see, and asks some searching questions about the relationship between ourself and the life we lead. This set includes a bonus 5th lecture continuing this study.

Lectures 49-52: The first of this set completes the study of that unfortunate marriage. The other three take a detailed look at a famous Hollywood romance. As the charts make clear, the astrological scriptwriters were hard at work long before the leading lady was even born. Star quality? Oh yes – what these charts show is something quite special.

Lectures 53-56: “You know what I want to hear. Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By’. In this set, which has a fifth, bonus, lecture, I explore the film Casablanca. In detail (and yes, I do mean detail!) I explore the connections between the leading actors, Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, and Paul Henreid. From their births to the making of the film to the timing of the – quite fictional – story in that film, the connections are remarkable, repeating ‘that same old story’ from chart to chart. Seeing these testimonies, it would be easy to believe that both scriptwriters and casting-director were basing their decisions on astrology.

Lectures 57-60: This set begins with a study of how Lilly’s student and then rival, John Gadbury, judged the birthchart of Archbishop Laud, and how and why his approach to this man was so different to that of Lilly himself. Then on with elucidation of some theoretical points, especially about Arabian Parts, showing just why the 7 key Parts are so vital in natal judgement. An examination of the remarkable way in which JFK’s death is shown in brother Bobby’s chart. Then the first steps in a study of the marriage of John and Yoko.

Lectures 61-64: I begin what will be a lengthy study of how the relationship of John and Yoko is shown in the stars. This starts by looking at their birthcharts and then at what was going on in John’s chart at the time they got together. Rather than plunging straight on, though, I take the scenic route, following certain themes from their charts as shown in those of others. Then a consideration of another troubled relationship, with Verlaine shooting Rimbaud. As you might expect from the storyline, this is powerful stuff!

Lectures 65-68: After a detailed look at Chopin getting together with George Sand, I take a brief look at each of a series of birthcharts, showing how literally, how exactly, the salient points were lived out, whether in music, writing, acting, inventing, sport or politics. The charts won’t tell us that this person will be a writer, musician, or whatever – but they will tell us why the person will write this book not that book, sing this song not that song, float like a butterfly or be made of iron. This set includes a bonus 5th lecture.

Lectures 69-72: Lecture soixante-neuf must include a look at the charts of Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg, among a selection of others. Then a quick look at the maker of the most boring film ever made, before a detailed study of Neil Armstrong as he took that small step for man. Then two lectures on David Lynch’s chart, first at the time of the original two series of Twin Peaks, then at the time of its revival. This set includes a bonus, fifth, lecture on the vital but generally neglected subject of what is in the birthchart – and what is most definitely not. 

Lectures 73-76: This set begins with the final part of the study of David Lynch and Twin Peaks, then on to someone who took the expression ‘setting the sheets on fire’ rather too literally. I consider how Rubens’ wife was able to inspire him so, and how clearly a lunar return shows King Charles heeding that wise advice ‘If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!’ Then a detailed look at the ambivalence as an actor found himself suddenly at the top of his profession, but how he hated this. As I say in the lecture, the role for which he’s famous is so clearly shown in the chart, as if he were born with that costume in his wardrobe, just waiting till it was time to put it on. And how graphically that time is shown in his unfolding chart!

Lectures 77-80: The major theme of this set is those planets that shout especially loudly in the chart. How to identify which planets these are – and how very literally their particular agendas can be lived out in the life. Whether it be turning back to do one’s duty, falling down into the fires of love, reappearing from anonymity or inventing a dance that changed society, these things speak so clearly one hardly needs astrology to understand what they say. The fourth lecture changes the subject for a detailed study of the chart of Gavrilo Princip. There can be few people in history whose one, isolated action had such consequences as his assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. How very powerfully this action and its consequences are shown in his chart!

Lectures 81-84: This set focuses on ‘Ouch!’ dropping into our lives. It begins with Louis Braille blinding himself and then creating his remarkable invention at such a young age, showing a dedication in the midst of adversity that leaves me in awe. Then Ry Cooder putting out one of his eyes in early childhood. I move on to looking at a small child’s horror as an unwanted kid brother is born. Then at the fatal car-crash, surviving which was what Jerry Garcia said changed his life, making him get serious about his music. And finally at Samuel Pepys having a stone the size of a tennis-ball removed from his bladder, looking first at the development of the problem, then at the surgery – which in those days before anaesthesia was indeed mega-ouch! As you might expect, Mars has a starring role in these charts, but there’s far more to it than that.

Lectures 85-88: This set begins with a powerful example of how important the 7 key Arabian Parts are in our charts. I look at the Kaczynski twins, born just 45 minutes apart. Despite their charts being so similar, the Parts show quite clearly which will die, and how, and which will live on. Then a look at Albert Hofmann as he took the first trip on LSD. I wrote about this in the first issue of The Astrologer’s Apprentice magazine, but how much I’ve learned since then! Then at a horrific accident, the pronouncement of death – and the coming back to life. And finally at someone whose Pluto worked in a way so literal that it will astonish you.

Lectures 89-92:  I begin with a detailed discussion of an actor whose Pluto worked in a way so literal that it will astonish you. His Neptune, too, as the character for which he is famous was dumped into the canal. A brief look at a real-life Harry Potter, then at Lewis Carroll, his creation of Alice and what was happening in his chart as he invented the story, as the book was published, and at the publication of its sequel, ‘Alice Through the Looking-glass’. The sea of tears is so powerfully shown in his chart, prompting me to continue with a look at Julie London and her ‘Cry Me a River’, the lyrics of which could have been taken literally from her chart for that time. So long I’ve been working at astrology, so many charts I’ve examined, but that one left me open-mouthed at how exact and eloquent the astrology can be.

Lectures 93-96: Gerard Manley Hopkins is hardly the conventional image of the man of passion. But when he fell, he fell big-time, his one and only meeting with Digby Mackworth Dolben transforming his entire life. In this set I take a (very!) detailed look at what was happening in Hopkins’ chart at the time of that meeting. Then at the time of Dolben’s birth. Then at what was happening when he learned of Dolben’s death, and at two major events as he tried to come to terms with this. Even having worked with astrology for so long, as I studied these charts I was in awe at how clearly, how powerfully, these events are shown in the stars. If, of course, one knows what to look for.

Lectures 97-100: With lectures on Robert Oppenheimer, ‘the father of the atomic bomb’, and at what was happening in his chart when the first bombs were dropped; on Robert Duvall, who so loved the smell of napalm in the morning; and Sly Stallone shooting to mega-stardom with the release of ‘Rocky’, this set – which includes a 5th, bonus, lecture - packs quite a punch! We also see how eloquently Percy Sledge’s chart shows his most famous song, Franz Kafka at the turning-point of his literary career, someone famous as Mr Mega-Venus, and John Logie Baird bringing television into our world.

Lectures 101-104: Feeling spooky? Then this set is for you! Following a look at Rudolph Valentino’s disastrous first marriage – a marriage that was over even before the wedding-night – I turn my attention to Dracula. First at Christopher Lee making the film for which he’s best known. Then at Bela Lugosi: first at the making of the film which made him famous; then at his playing the same role in a Broadway play, which led to his being cast in the film; then at what was going on in his chart when Bram Stoker’s novel was published; and finally at what was happening there when Bram Stoker was born. This last is something special: how exactly the same themes are picked up as in the charts for the film and the play – but this at a time 35 years before his own birth!

Lectures 105-108: ‘I could have been a contender!’ This set begins with a detailed look at what was happening in Marlon Brando’s chart when he made ‘On The Waterfront’. Then two lectures on dramatically contrasting events in the life of Muhammad Ali: first his winning the heavyweight title, then, just three years later, being stripped of that title for refusing the draft. Finally, something quite spectacular, as a man turns into a Martian! How this is shown in his chart, so simply and so very clearly, is something quite special.

Lectures 109-112: This set begins with Orson Welles convincing many Americans that their country was being invaded from outer space, with his broadcast of ‘War of the Worlds’ – and then at what was happening at that time in the chart of HG Wells, who had written the piece 40 years before. I look at Waylon Jennings, as he gave up his seat on Buddy Holly’s plane, and at Amelia Earhart when her plane went down. The final lecture is on Ken Kesey, as he and his Merry Pranksters set off on their LSD-fuelled trip across America. How powerful the testimonies are, making it clear this was something rather different from the usual ‘long journey’!


The horary and the natal tracks are separate. Subscriptions to each track cost 20 UK pounds for 4 lectures (that’s around 35 US or Aussie $). Lectures in each track are issued on a roughly fortnightly basis. Subscriptions come in 4-lecture blocks. So if, for instance, you subscribe just after Lecture 111 has been issued, you will receive Lectures 109, 110 and 111 immediately, then Lecture 112 later. We accept payment by PayPal or bank transfer.

If you wish to subscribe, please email, including:


  • your name and address

  • whether you want to subscribe to the natal track, horary track, or both

  • whether you prefer to pay by PayPal or bank transfer.


We will then send the relevant details for payment. You will be sent a link in an email to download each lecture as it becomes available. Lectures vary in length from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the subject. All charts discussed are supplied.





The lectures are in MP3 format and come in a zipped folder that includes the charts and images related to the lecture.





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Some Comments from subscribers:


  • ‘A lot of wisdom and a lot of fun to listen to.’

  • ‘The most important thing is how you manage to teach the student how to think: that can’t possibly be paid.’

  • ‘(Of the Natal track): I'm thrilled that these first few lectures aren't technical - I know so many people that don't have an interest in becoming astrologers, but do have an interest in traditional thought or this way of thinking.’

  • ‘Loved the natal lecture, especially the insight about Penelope and the Moon; beautiful and instantly recognisable - once you said it that is. Also loved the understanding about cows and time, which is also completely new to me. This is soul food for me. Very yummy too. I'm looking forward to my next helping.’

  • ‘I was there in Zurich when you did the Odyssey presentation BUT...having thought that was fantastic...this is indeed awesome much thought, so much much good always...but as good wine... it gets better with time!’

  • ‘I just finished listening to Lecture 4 in your Odyssey series… had to email you, was so brilliant WOW. Loved every minute, was on the edge of my seat throughout each one! Of all the various ways the houses and cycles have been taught/explained, this was by far the most exciting, thank you so much.’

© 2025 by John Frawley

Website built by Leah Cuperman

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