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Horary Track:

Most lectures include some discussion of horary theory, but the emphasis is on working step by step through chart judgements, explaining why each step is taken and addressing the points that bring confusion. Some lectures are themed, with charts on a particular topic; most contain charts on different topics, reflecting the reality of horary practice – life’s rich tapestry, indeed!


John has been practising horary day in, day out, for over 20 years, and has judged thousands of horary charts. This is as close as you will get to standing at the elbow of a master astrologer while he’s at work.



Lectures to download from this site:

Sample lecture: Following the usual pattern of these horary lectures, this begins with discussion of some theoretical points, then moves to judgement of example charts on a variety of subjects. Points of particular emphasis here include receptions, timing, volition and combustion. 

Lectures for purchase: Each set contains 4 lectures, including all charts and other images discussed. Each set of 4 lectures costs 20 UK pounds (around 35 US or Aussie $). Payment is via PayPal, which you can use even if you don’t have a PayPal account. Once payment is made you will see a link to download the lectures you’ve bought. You will receive 3 emails containing payment confirmation, your invoice and, again, the links for download. These links remain current for 7 days or 5 attempts to download.

If you have a slow internet connection and are buying more than 1 set of lectures, we recommend you to wait until each of them has been downloaded before downloading the next one.

Lectures 1-4: charts on miscellaneous topics, with an emphasis on the radically different ways in which exaltation can work, depending upon the context given by the question asked.

Lectures 5-8: charts on miscellaneous subjects, with an emphasis on medical judgements.

Lectures 9-12: more miscellaneous charts, with explanation of puzzling technical points and showing how these points work in practice. And a most unusual chart about some lost animals.

Lectures 13-16: an explanation not only of how receptions work, but of why they work as they do, deriving directly from the philosophical foundations of astrology. A detailed discussion of three of William Lilly’s horaries, showing that what was really going on is not always quite what Lilly tells us. Miscellaneous modern examples, and even a horary from Alan Leo.

Lectures 17-20: An emphasis on how horary, and indeed all astrology, relates to our daily life: what it offers, and what it does not offer. Walking step by step through judgement of horaries on a variety of subjects – and an example from William Lilly showing how what he wrote cannot be taken at face value.

Lectures 21-24: Clarification of important points in our approach to the chart, such as avoiding assumptions and avoiding pre-judging the question by our choice of which house to use. What Romeo & Juliet tells us about Venus and Mercury. And, as always, detailed judgements of charts on a wide variety of questions.

Lectures 25-28: Discussion of  theoretical points, with an emphasis here on how we establish exactly what is being asked, when further questions can be asked, and just who is really asking the question – this latter not always being quite as obvious as it might seem. An introduction to William Lilly’s protégé, Henry Coley, and the historical background to their work. Together with detailed discussion of chart examples, both modern and from Lilly and Coley.

Lectures 29-32: Theoretical discussion; step-by-step analysis of judgements, ancient and modern; information on the world within which William Lilly worked. As John clearly shows in his discussion of two of Lilly’s more puzzling chart examples, without some understanding of the history, culture and language of that time, we cannot hope to understand what Lilly was writing and why he was writing it. Oh, and Samuel Pepys giving the wrong girl ‘a clap on the breech’!

Lectures 33-36: The usual mix of theoretical discussion and the clear and detailed exposition of chart judgements. A particular focus in the theory sections on the underlying principles of what we are doing in horary – how is this moment of asking the question so special? Information about the cultural background to William Lilly’s life, without which we cannot understand much that he was writing about. And horary judgements on life’s rich tapestry of questions: love, business, medical, and ‘will the cat come home?’

Lectures 37-40: Theoretical discussion, with a focus here on vital fundamental points, such as what is a valid question and what is not, and whose question it really is. These matters are not so obvious as they might seem, and can make all the difference to judgement. Then discussion of charts on a wide range of questions, with an emphasis on showing how we will read identical testimonies in quite different ways, depending on the situation asked about.

Lectures 41-44: A dissection of Lilly’s chart about a missing husband, and modern charts on a range of subjects – with Neptune and Pluto being regularly helpful in these judgements. Pluto even gives the answer in the example from Lilly! Theoretical points, here including how to know when planets may change direction, and exploding a common myth about traditional medicine. And background information, including discussion of a drama showing how the planets took turns to make Woman what she is.

Lectures 45-48: Along with discussion of points of theory that students regularly trip over, I go into background matters: common problems with the secondary literature and, indeed, on approaching the primary literature; what portrayal in the art and the theatre of the time tells us about both medical and astrological practice in the past – and how this sheds valuable light on what happens in consultation in the present day. Then explanation of charts cast for questions as diverse as medical matters, kidnappings, and lost dogs.

Lectures 49-52: One of these lectures deals with the method of judging medical matters by decumbiture, which is rather different from horary. How to do it; why it would be done; the background and reasoning behind Willy Lilly’s highly politicised example thereof. Another focuses on 12th-house matters: animals larger than goats, and why for most such questions the 12th house is not relevant. And theoretical points and detailed chart discussion on many other topics – especially the vital importance of context: how when read against the context, what might appear the very worst of testimonies can be the very best.

Lectures 53-56: A particular emphasis here, in both theory and practice, on the astro-myth of retrogradation being a ‘Bad Thing’. As in an example chart here, it can be the very best of things. Clarification on how the Nodes can work. The chart discussions show how the same testimony can mean such different things in different contexts  – and yes, Pluto turns up again, playing a big and most eloquent role in one of these charts.

Lectures 57-60: Discussion here about judgement of political questions in various contexts – the approach to which is not necessarily as obvious as might seem. Further examples of how such similar testimonies can mean such different things, depending on the nature of the question that’s been asked. And both Uranus and Pluto get their turn in the spotlight, the myths behind these planets playing out so clearly as the charts are judged.

Lectures 61-64: Along with a selection of horary charts on the usual wide variety of subjects, and clarification of theoretical points, I discuss some artistic representations of various facets of the Venus myth. Apart from its inherent interest, with so many horary questions concerned with Venus-stuff this is illuminating on how this manifests both in horary charts and in our own lives.

Lectures 65-68: Jobs, illness, dogs, love, and more: horary judgements on the usual wide variety of questions. Along with theoretical points and historical background – including discussion of John Gadbury’s rabid denunciation of his former teacher, William Lilly, when the restoration of the monarchy under Charles II gave Gadbury’s side the political upper hand.

Lectures 69-72: Detailed analysis of charts on love, business, death, pregnancy – and ‘When will the cat come home?’ Even, in one case, how clients approaching two astrologers some thousand miles apart produced identical charts which answered totally different questions. Together with many points on theory and background, this time including Marvell’s ‘Coy Mistress’, the concept of ‘reception of light’ – and Regulus in most unexpected guise.

Lectures 73-76: Along with the explanation of common theoretical stumbling-blocks and the detailed examination of horaries on a range of subjects, including one each from Willy Lilly and Nicky Culpeper, I also discuss Geoffrey Chaucer. Apart from being a fine poet, he was an expert astrologer. I talk about the background, and show how he incorporated his astrological knowledge into two of his poems.

Lectures 77-80: Together with more horaries on a range of subjects - medical, career, business, love, and, of course, another lost cat – I begin an examination of a particularly fascinating decumbiture chart: the chart set for the moment at which John Keats took to his bed with his final illness. This set contains a discussion of decumbiture and a first look at the chart itself.

Lectures 81-84: There are five lectures in this set.Three discuss horaries on a variety of subjects, together with technical points and background information – such as why leading playwrights should keep quiet about their interest in astrology! The other two contain a detailed discussion of John Keats‘ decumbiture chart. In the first I approach this in the way set out in the old texts. In the second I try a different approach, which also bears fruit. If you’re interested in medical astrology, this set is for you.

Lectures 85-88: I take a detailed look at a couple of Lilly’s charts, including the one about his lost fish – both what he wrote, and what he might have meant, which is rather different! And at how Velazquez used those same meanings to give us such a profound statement of what it is to be a human being. Together with a range of modern horaries – and who is the perfect dog for an astrologer to adopt!

Lectures 89-92: This selection of horaries on the usual wide range of subjects includes a relationship question from a most unusual client, who turned up at my gate one morning, and two charts showing that while the Arabian Part of Abundance – the solar equivalent of the Part of Fortune – so rarely finds a role in horaries, when it does, the message it brings can be so clear and so important. Also some surprising information about the constellation of Libra, and the vital connection between fish and onions.

Lectures 93-96: The charts discussed in this set have a particular emphasis on medical matters, together with a range of other subjects, with examples both my own and from William Lilly. While among the points of theory and background information are ‘a gemini of baboons’ and the horoscope of Love – not of someone falling in love, but the chart for Love itself!

Lectures 97-100: In this set there is further in-depth discussion of horaries on work, health, romance, house-purchase and various other subjects, with some interesting examples showing how the same testimony can mean such different things in different contexts. Also unexpected insight into what both William Lilly and Peter Tschaikovsky are doing in their present lives, how come the Sun is in Pisces in November, why you should stay away from women peeling turnips, and much, much more.

Lectures 101-104: In the background sections of these lectures, I tell, amongst other things, of my unexpected encounter with a talkative, fortune-telling, serpent; of expressions of horror at traffic racing about at 12 km/hour; of why Perseus rescuing Andromeda is of particular importance to football fans from east London; and how well one of Ingres’ paintings catches our situation as we strive for a deeper understanding of astrology. This together with the detailed explanation of 21 horary charts on, as usual, a wide variety of subjects.

Lectures 105-108: Along with information about a boy called Astrolabe and a most unexpected meaning for the word trine, that makes it the last thing you would want to encounter, these lectures present, as usual, horaries on a wide range of subjects: love, business, health, travel, money – and here, some on the problems of life in a time of pandemic.

Lectures 109-112: The theoretical pieces introducing these lectures include, among other things, why ‘average speed’ is not really average speed, how – as with most things in the chart - a full Moon can be either good or bad, depending on context, and a brief introduction to the science of ‘rumpology’! The charts discussed cover the usual wide variety of subjects, including two almost identical charts giving radically different perspectives on very similar situations, and one where Pluto grabs the spotlight with so eloquent a starring role.

Lectures 113-116: Along with some interesting theatrical insights into the role of astrology in William Lilly’s day, the charts discussed here include several on house-moving issues, medications and other medical matters, and political elections – together with the usual wide variety of other subjects.

Lectures 117-120: We have the explanation of more theoretical points, and a selection of interesting astrological references from old books. Then charts on a wide range of subjects: relationships, work, housing, sporting contests, medications, and more.

Lectures 121-124: As always, each lecture begins with some theoretical points and interesting pieces of background information. Then the charts. One of these lectures is devoted to questions on that most popular subject for consultation: relationships. The others are mixed, with questions on jobs, money, politics, moving abroad – and, yes, more relationship questions, too.



The horary and the natal tracks are separate. Subscriptions to each track cost 20 UK pounds for 4 lectures (that’s around 35 US or Aussie $). Lectures in each track are issued on a roughly fortnightly basis. Subscriptions come in 4-lecture blocks. So if, for instance, you subscribe just after Lecture 127 has been issued, you will receive Lectures 125, 126 and 127 immediately, then Lecture 128 later. We accept payment by PayPal or bank transfer.

If you wish to subscribe, please email, including:


  • your name and address

  • whether you want to subscribe to the natal track, horary track, or both

  • whether you prefer to pay by PayPal or bank transfer.


We will then send the relevant details for payment. You will be sent a link in an email to download each lecture as it becomes available. Lectures vary in length from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the subject. All charts discussed are supplied.





The lectures are in MP3 format and come in a zipped folder that includes the charts and images related to the lecture.





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Yes, no problem at all. They work on both Windows and Mac.

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Yes, very easily. Just drag and drop in the same way that you would with a document.


How do I open a Zip file?
Very easily. Just right-click on the Zip file you've downloaded and from the menu that opens up select 'Extract files' and choose the folder on your computer where you want the lecture to be stored.



Some Comments from subscribers:


  • ‘I LOVE these lectures John, both the horary and natal, thank you so much for doing this. I'm one of your self-proclaimed students who unfortunately misses all your in-person lectures because of travel logistics, so these audio teachings are really wonderful for me.’

  • ‘I just finished listening to the second track on Horary, and it's nothing less than very, very impressive! The examples about exaltation you've given are great, as thinking about grandness is the most common way it is interpreted. And the charts you've chosen are also great because there's a lot of stuff to detangle.’ 

  • ‘I am REALLY enjoying the first lecture. Fabulous.’

  • ‘This is excellent and I can’t wait for the next one!’

  • ‘Really nice stuff, John! Thank you very, very much!!!’

  • ‘What an inspiring voice of yours! ’

  • ‘I have listened to the Horary lecture and found it brilliant and extremely helpful.’

  • ‘One very interesting and helpful thing in your lecture (as also in all your books) is that when you are trying to make a point or explain something and the listener (as well as reader of your books) starts thinking of the next question. But before they can actually ask, you come up with the question and the answer too! So the student does not find anything unanswered or any question left unexplained.’

© 2025 by John Frawley

Website built by Leah Cuperman

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